But then why should we care about the reasoning of the Watchtower books?
Never a truer word spoken!
king of the north.
union, the "king of the south" can be none other than the rival non-communist bloc, under the .
so who is the king of the north now?
But then why should we care about the reasoning of the Watchtower books?
Never a truer word spoken!
king of the north.
union, the "king of the south" can be none other than the rival non-communist bloc, under the .
so who is the king of the north now?
In 1981 the story remained the same: Watchtower July 15 Pages 5-7
The Power Struggle-What Outcome?
There can be no doubt that the modern-day "king of the north" is the Communist bloc, headed by
the Soviet Union.
There, to start with is a fallacious statement uttered by Crazy Fred.
The "Communist block" was NOT "headed by the Soviet Union":
- Yugoslav communism always was entirely independent of the Soviet Union.
- The Chinese communists received little help from the Soviet Union during their struggle against the Chinese Nationalists. Mao definitely did not take orders from Stalin at any time, and by the early 1960s, had completely fallen out with the USSR (with Chinese and Soviet troops even exchanging fire across their common border in 1969).
- Likewise, the communists in Vietnam very much did their own thing, with little regard to taking any orders from either China or the USSR . They accepted whatever aid (in the form of supplies) that the other communist countries would give them, but that was all. Henry Kissinger, also, suffered from Fred Franz's delusions about Soviet "leadership" - thinking that by making friends with China and the USSR ("detente"), he could get these powers to influence North Vietnam into making a favorable peace deal with the USA.
If Mad Freddie Franz got off to a fallacious start with this fairy tale about the Kings of the North and South, no wonder the rest of it proved to be a crock!
as the title says, share what you love about the truth!.
we know that the gb or anything else in the truth is all true and nothing is false!.
love u guys xxx.
Certainly from my experience, anyway! (over 28 years)
as the title says, share what you love about the truth!.
we know that the gb or anything else in the truth is all true and nothing is false!.
love u guys xxx.
You've got to be bloody joking!
hey all, long time no see!.
a friend posted the anthony morris videos on facebook today, and the ensuing conversation got me wondering: why are the jws still going door-to-door in the developed world?.
it's clearly useless as an evangelizing tactic; the wt have recognized that for 20 years, with their "go where the people are" spiel, but they also insist that it's still necessary.. .
If they truly believed their own propaganda about a calamitous event that was about to engulf the whole world "soon", the GB / WTS would surely use a more effective method to warn people. Sending volunteers to knock on the doors of (mostly) empty houses is no way to sound an "urgent" warning - certainly if this warning is a surgent as the GB would have us believe.
In our community, we can only be thankful that the emergency services used more effective warning measures during this summer's bushfires!
No, the D2D serves as nothing more that a stick with which to beat the R&F with.
A corollary to this is that, in all probability, even the GB know they are talking BS (as has already been discussed on another thread)
does anyone know when, where and how william j. schnell died?
there have been 3 rumors i read about him recently.
one states that close to his death he was trying to be re-instated, but the society refused him.
JW scuttlebutt in the early 1980s had it that he died in a psychiatric hospital somewhere. (I remember being told these glad tidings early in 1982).
Of course, to the Witlesses passing on this story, the location of Schnell's death somehow negated all he had written about the Watchtower!
i just finished reading this and enjoyed it.
however, if i was newly awakening or on the verge of awakening, i dont think this book would have helped me a great deal.
brother schnell has some good thoughts, however, he is short on detail and description, and even shorter on proof and documentation.. it is interesting reading about the transition of the bible students from a small group of independent noncomformists into an organization characterized by total conformity.
" Thirty Years a Watch Tower Slave" is not excactly a great work of literature,to put it diplomatically.
Certainly, if I was a "still in" JW and reading that for the first time, it would have motivated me not at all.
If there is such a thing as the proverbial "hate-spewing bitter apostate", then Schnell would have to be it. (Either that, or he did a bloody good job of acting the part of such a personage!)
As to what happened to W. Schnell:
-admittedly this is hearsay, but I was told in the early 1980s that he had recently died "in a psychiatric hospital."
Of course, to the JWs who passed on this news, the location of his death somehow completely negated everything he had written in "Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave."
My greatest criticism of this work is its lack of documentary evidence to back up Schnell's claims and accusations. Anybody can get up and say anything, but proving it is another matter. This is particularly important when the writer is obviously bitter in the extreme. That, coupled with the complete lack of documentary evidence to their claims does make you wonder as to the accuracy of some of their more extreme statements.
(A Japanese proverb goes something like this "If you are starting to believe everything that is written, then it is time you gave up reading!")
Interestingly, W.C. Stevenson, in his 1967 work on JWs "1975 - Year of Doom", held Schnell's work in low esteem. (As well as having held such positions as "Circuit Servant" while a JW, Stevenson had also majored in English at one of the Oxbridge universities in England. He therefore would have had a fair idea of what constitutes a good work of literature - and of what constitutes something indifferent).
my first special pioneer assignment.- part 1.. in australia, western civilization is a thin strip of land, that hugs the coast.
all the major cities are on the coast.
i grew up on the east coast of australia where the great dividing range, as its called, runs parallel to the coast, and limits the extension of cities like sydney and brisbane.
"Where's your mate?, Hey! is he still fxxking the XXXX bitch?"
And I was reared on stories that "Our church don't do that sort of thing" - i.e. only hypocrites like Catholic priests got up to that sort of caper!
i only ask because i hardly ever see them out on the ministry.
it is a very rare sighting to spot them actively engaged in the house to house ministry.
or out on the street work, in the marketplace, etc.. the other reason i ask is because they are constantly pictured as being on the preaching work.
The last time they called at our door was just before last year's memorial. Since then, I have not even seen them anywhere about town. I sure hope armeggedon is not anytime soon:
- or they would just about have to be charged with wilful negligence!
(Or more likely, as a previous poster notes, Deep down inside even they know it is BS)
my atheist, agnostic and deist family members, why don't we attack this insanity more?
dr. richard dawkins is finally calling out islam for it's true nature, i hope he is balanced because i don't want him to get killed by these whack jobs.
i enjoy listening to dr. dawkins debate and would like him to attack their false religion like he lambaste's christians, i guess it's a tight-wire act he must follow or they would kill him.
many nations in the world had socialist governments - Australia included
Actually, when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in December of 1979, Australia's Prime Minister was Malcolm Fraser:
- and a socialist he most definitely was not!